FLEX新法教育学院冬季ACT强化班 FLEX本次ACT集中培训课,着重让学生了解ACT考试的概念、策略和技巧,这些经验曾帮助过数千名学生显著改进ACT成绩!来了你就会了解为什么FLEX的标准考试准备课是北加州最棒的! During this workshop course, you''ll learn the concepts and test-taking tactics that have helped thousands of students achieve higher ACT scores. Discover why FLEX''s test prep classes are among the best and most popular in Northern California! ACT冬季课程时间安排(12/22-1/5)费用: 1周(包括两次模拟考试):$995 2周(包括三次模拟考试):$1295 材料费:$50折扣: 辅导课(Tutorials): 考试之前,家长可以增加辅导课程强化集中课程所学的考试技能! Add tutorials below to continue practicing until your test date! 辅导(1/12-2/2)费用: ACT阅读(词汇)+ACT数学/科学: $695 ACT阅读(词汇): $495 ACT数学/科学 :$495 每科材料费: $25 折扣:12月15日之前报名享受100美元优惠! 请根据需要联系我们北加州各分部: FLEX ALMADEN CALL: (408) 997-1632 FLEX CUPERTINO CALL: (408) 252-7742 FLEX FREMONT CALL: (510) 668-0880 FLEX LOS ALTOS CALL: (650) 947-7742