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      (拯救全球动物/竉物海外華人英国分会慈善捐獻)New res

      2024-08-05 12:05:28发布,长期有效,82浏览
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    • 区域:皇后区
      • 联系人:gloria
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    (拯救全球动物/竉物海外華人英国分会慈善捐獻)New rescue global animals overseas UK chinese donation association you want to help and support us to save and rescue and support the global animal around the world, welcome send us support donation by Paypal to support us in any global city, we need your financial helping and supporting! you can send us your financial support by paypal from your current city around the world and we are helping and saving and rescuing for the global animals over 150 countries and cities in everyday around the world , actually we need your financial help and support and we are helping those animals mainly are not only cat and dog only and including many different types of other animals from the world.

    our Paypal mail : [email][/email]

    p.s. thank you for support us no matter how much you send us that will help us really for the global animal rescuing and saving and our headquarter is in UK London where is nearby high street station or near holiday inn London can support(send)us how much you want such as from $100 USD to $5000 USD by Paypal that is also ok no problem at all and up to you casually! For example, you can pay us firstly in 100 USD or 300 or 800 or 1000 or 1500 or 2000 or 3000 or even more and up to you or determined at all by your favorite choice amount. When you use your Paypal account then just enter our Paypal mail and enter your support donation amount that is ok then we can pick up by Paypal very soon. Finally thank you very much help and support donation to us from overseas chinese people and different foreigners around the world who come from different countries in everyday and day by day e are so many innocent animals around the world to be rescued or helped even get a new reborn life really by your remote economic and financial supporting.

    SINCE 1990

    p.s. 欢迎有多少能力便帮助多少!数目多少不拘!感謝來自全球海外不同地区的華人每天一直対我們不斷的大小額鼎力支持,截至2023/08/14,全球捐獻總收款額為 $ 527,098 USD.


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    (拯救全球动物/竉物海外華人英国分会慈善捐獻)New res

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