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      名师专业小提琴,中提琴授课 纽约音乐培训

      2024-08-06 10:51:33发布,长期有效,84浏览
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    • 区域:纽约
      • 联系人:Mr Xu
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    小提琴,中提琴男教师,美国朱丽亚音乐学院(The Juiliard School)。师从国际小提琴中提琴名家!曾多次与国内外电视台媒体合作,多年中美教学经验,采用国际权威教材,教学专业正规,教法独特,及富有感染力,学生兴趣大,进步快。年龄程度不限,一对一授课。认真,负责,有耐心, 教学经验丰富。可中英文教学,同步教授乐理基础知识和视唱练耳。 started study violin, with Shenghua Liu since he was 6 years 2006, he was admitted to the middle school Attached to the Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM) of China as the first place and studied viola with Professor Shaowu ng his middle school in CCOM, Xingyuan was the principle viola of China Youth Chamber the summer of 2006 and 2009, he joined Beijing Great Wall International Music Academy twice. Especially in 2009 he was the principle viola of Great Wall International Music Academy Chamber Orchestra and played with China National Broadcast Symphony Orchestra as a solist in Beijing Concert participated the 10th International Viola and Cello Competition in 2008 and won the Third Prize in June of 2009 he joined the master class of Pinchas Zukerman. he was invited by“Musica Mundi”-Intertnational Chamber Music Festival in Belgium. In“Musica Mundi”he got personal guidance from Maxim Vengerov and Lvry Gitlis, who appraised Xingyuan as“a pot of boiling water”,he holds a chamber music concert and a solo concert in Beijing when he was 17 years old.2011,he was admitted by Pre-college of Juilliard School,study viola withToby Apple,and he was admitted by JVNY Chamber Orchestra which went to Europe for several concerts. Xingyuan''''''''s chamber group participated a broadcast named


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    名师专业小提琴,中提琴授课 纽约音乐培训

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